AC Hoses
If you are in the market for good used AC hoses we can help get you pointed in the right direction. Used Parts Central is a no cost used auto part locating service that puts you in control. Just submit 1 request and it goes out all over the US!
Being able to determine if your AC Hoses are bad is a fairly simple process. The first thing you look for is a leak, if you can’t find it, you can use dye or a high-end freon sniffer. A good visual check will always help, look for oil on the hose and you have probably found the problem. The ac hose is aluminum and rubber, any kink in the aluminum part of the hose will restrict flow and cause you an issue. Sometimes a hose can get a hole rubbed into it by being next to something that moves under the hood. It will rub a tiny hole after an extended period of time. Fixing a leaking hose is impossible, do not waste your time or money.
When you find the issue and get your hose, make sure you replace the old o-rings, dryer and orifice tube. These small preventive measures will save you heartache and dollars. When buying online, never send cash, only use a credit card or PayPal. This is for your protection, not theirs!